I am sorry if my blog does not work so well right now. It is still actually in the transition stage from the present site, http://thejoysofsimplelife.blogspot.com/ to just simply http://thejoysofsimplelife.com/ . After helpful inputs from some blogging friends, I decided to get my own domain here at blogspot, and was surprised that it is only for $10 a year :) Cool, huh? I feel like I really have my own world now :) , such a big accomplishment for me who never had my own site before, haha! Thanks to Icy and Rochelle for the thoughts they had extended.
I feel like my blogging world has turned up side down lately, in all directions. No, I am not complaining, I am actually happy about the changes for it lets me see more about the many aspects of blogging. I am happy to say that I feel growth somehow, that in many times of our lives, we have to embrace CHANGE. The
fear of change is something that sometimes stop us from doing what we can do, stops us from exploring our potentials, for we may be afraid of the world that awaits when we make that change. But there are some good change, and bad change. And I consider my moving a "good change", I feel freer, I feel I can fly more.
I am liking my CHANGE to the two pictures in this post, it is the same cactus flower, the same two bees, yet, just in different directions. The picture at the top, the two bees were facing each other, seem to enjoy sharing the sweet nectar from the cactus flower. Yet to get the most out of everything, they had to face CHANGE, even though it means they will have to back away, even move to another flower, all for the BEST.

And right now, that is just what I feel, like these two bees, I may have to move away from my old home, to give way for a new home which hopefully will let me expand my wings.
I am looking forward to more "Joys of Simple Life".