Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Inspirational Quotes To Remind You Why Money Isn’t Everything

These days it seems like everyone is stressed about money. Whether bills are piling up, or you're approaching retirement, taking the time to remind yourself that money isn't everything can relieve the stress and help you to focus on the more important things in life.

"You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give."

This quote reminds us that the value we place on friends, family or even strangers is not defined by how much they take from the world. Their value is determined by what they give back. Being a generous spirit may cause those around you to make more of a conscious effort to be generous as well.

"Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination."

The stress of money management is not only taxing on your pocketbook, it can also be taxing on your state of mind. This quote reminds us that by seeking out happiness while on the road to success you can maintain a positive attitude and achieve your goals simultaneously.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

The pursuit of money often requires diligence and concentration on the task at hand, leaving little time for creative or artistic pursuits. This Einstein quote suggests that a life filled solely with work can cause you to miss out on experiences that will stimulate your mind in unforeseen ways, possibly even improving your ability to perform at work. Taking the time to visit an art gallery or just taking in a movie can not only remove stress from your hectic schedule, it could also lighten the mental overload of a long work week.

"In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed." - Sid Caesar

This quote builds off of the previous quote from Einstein, but the difference in Caesar's quote is that you don't have to actively seek out art or music or film to make your life more fulfilled or meaningful--just pay attention to the world around you! Take five minutes out of your day to sit quietly by yourself. Give yourself a break; you deserve it!

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

There is one way you can achieve all your financial goals while still satisfying your ambition in the working world, and that is to pursue and attain your "dream job." This quote is trying to say that you should strive to achieve the job you've always wanted in order to feel less anxiety when planning for the future. If you're doing what you love, the road to each of your goals won't seem so long. Though money tends to distract us from what we really enjoy, we can't help but think we would be happier if we had more of it. The next time you reach your boiling point over financial stresses, remember that taking a minute out of your busy day to slow down and take in your favorite inspirational quote can remind you what's really important in life. Think of any of these five quotes when you think you may be in danger of forgetting that money really isn't everything.

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  1. Sis, bless your heart for doing such a generous and noble act to someone who someday and hopefully, will make a positive change in our world. And you are going to be instrumental to that.

  2. I absolutely agree with you, money isn't everything.

  3. The kids are so lucky to have people like you who care. In time, when they're old enough, I'm sure they'll remember and give back also. And it will become a circle of giving and blessings.

  4. This is a beautifully warm post, betchai, very inspirational and touching. I love reading quotes for this very reason, to learn and imbibe qualities so as to live my life the right way. The joyous expression on the little kid's face is priceless, God bless you betchai for lighting so many lives.

  5. Lovely, inspiring quotes, Betchai!
    "Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination." :)

  6. Oh no!!

    I want to be a millionaire no more.

  7. I really like the quote from Einstein :-)

    And yes Ms Beth you really have a good heart. That letter IS precious

  8. My husband always say, God will provide. I noticed that too because every time we send help to ,my family back home, that amount we give is always being replenished back.

  9. I agree with all what you said,Betchai, we really don't need to stress ourselve and focus our life how to get rich or have more money. We have to focus how to be happy and enjoy of what we have in life.

  10. thats a very interesting and different one from you

  11. Well-said Betchai. The first quote really hit me hard. Aray.

  12. You're an angel to that boy, Betchai, and your post is very inspiring!

  13. Wow! That's very generous Mam Betchai. I know most of us want to help other people even in our own little way. But to actually do it, to actually put it in action like what you did, made all the difference.

  14. Very well said. Money is not everything. Hopefully, I remember this whenever things get rough.

  15. Love this post! Might have mentioned it and linked back to it on my blog!

  16. Very good lessons that we should all remember.

  17. so proud to be they friend....the very first time I laid my eyes on your page and learned what a generous heart you have I knew, I would stick with you through the years...thank you for inspiring me to SHARE my blessings...writing for a cause and living a purposeful life...:)love yah!

  18. Monet isn't everything but I have to say, it helps. I think it just needs to be kept in perspective.

  19. Aww. The photo of that little boy and his letter is just heartwarming. Job well done, Ate! :)

    I believe that money isn't everything! ♥

  20. Really lovely quotes here, I especially love "CHOOSE A JOB YOU LOVE AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE." This is so true!
